The lightest and fastest Gmail experience you'll find
Turn on badge support to see how many new emails you have, right in the dock
Float Gmail on top of other apps so you don't have to switch between them constantly. Great for copy pasting useful info, following instructions in an email - or writing them.
Put the Instagram mac app in your dock, and find it with Spotlight, and find it fast
For extra speed, switch to the mobile version of Gmail and get an ultra compact and no-nonsense Gmail experience
Flotato creates a browser window just for Gmail. It's actually Safari, but without any unnecessary features
Look for Gmail in Flotato's app overview
Once you've found it, simply click the Get button. The button now changes to Open. Click that button to open Gmail.
That's it! You can now safely log in with your own Gmail account, and begin reading email, sending email, chatting on Hangouts, using the built-in calendar, tasks, Keep notes, virtually all the features you already know and use from Gmail.
Flotato keeps its hands off your RAM and GPU until it is absolutely necessary. That means less fan hissing, more resources for other apps, and longer battery life.
Stay safe
Flotato runs in a completely isolated sandbox, protected from other apps, humans, and browsers. No usernames or passwords are stored, not even locally. See more in our privacy policy.